Fives and Heronians Cricket Club

Fives and Heronians Cricket Club News story

Biannual fixture v the MCC - Friday 21st July 2017

13 Jun 2017

Hi All

I am delighted to invite you to the biannual fixture between a Fives and Heronians XI and the MCC. This prestigious fixture will take place at the Paddock on Friday 21st July and it will be an all day game starting at 11:30am.

We are delighted to again be hosting the MCC and look forward to it being a really excellent day in which we welcome as many friends of the club as possible.

The itinerary for the day will be as follows:

10:45am: Coffee, tea and biscuits

11:30am: Play commences

1:30-2:20pm: Sit down lunch for players and match officials

2:30pm: Sit down lunch for guests

4:15pm: Cricket tea for players and match officials

5pm: Afternoon tea for guests

5:30pm: 'Last hour' of play

6:00pm onwards: BBQ available for all

There will also be a raffle and the bar will of course be open all day. There will be no Colts' training that evening but colts and their families are really encouraged to come up and enjoy the day.

The cost of the two course lunch and traditional afternoon tea is only £20 per person. I am sure you will agree this represents very good value and I very much hope you will be able to join us for some or all of the day.

If you would like to purchase tickets for the sit down lunch and afternoon tea, then please contact the Club Chairman, Jonny Kay, by email, on or text message on 07792116211. Please indicate how many tickets you would like to reserve.

If you have any questions about the day then please don't hesitate to contact me or speak to another member of the committee.

With good wishes,

Jonny Kay


Fives and Heronians Cricket Club